Mød en af de helt store LIVE i DK – Afternoon Talk med Anders Olsson

Mød svenske Anders Olsson LIVE i København – “Mr. Carbon Dioxide”, verdenskendt åndedrætsekspert og grundlægger af “Conscious Breathing”.

Anders har arbejdet bl.a. sammen med James Nestor, forfatteren til bestselleren Breath, som besøgte os i 2022. Han er kendt i bogen Breath af James Nestor, som “Den skøre svensker”.

Den 23. april 2023 kl 16-18 kommer han til København og deler ud af sin kolloenorme viden om vejrtrækningen.

Foredraget er for alle interesserede i åndedrættet. Det foregår på Engelsk… Derfor fortsætter beskrivelsen herunder på Engelsk.

Change Your Breath, Change Your Life

– The Conscious Breathing WHAT, WHY and HOW and the importance of Carbon Dioxide

There is nothing new about the importance of breathing. Just a few minutes of oxygen deprivation is enough to destroy the brain’s ability to process incoming information forever.

It isn´t just important THAT we breathe, but also HOW we breathe.

By changing the way we breathe we can influence our thoughts and feelings, our internal organs, such as the heart and brain, and our bodily functions such as muscle movements, digestion, and the immune system.

Everybody knows about the importance of oxygen but not many know about the importance of carbon dioxide. Actually, carbon dioxide is one of the keystones of your health, as it paves the way for oxygen and is essential when we want to relax and recover…

Meet Anders Olsson, “Mr Carbon Dioxide”, World-Renowned Breathing Expert and Founder of Conscious Breathing, and listen in to this afternoon’s talk about breathing – one of the most powerful tools you have to take your health and well-being to the next level.

The Afternoon Talk will be a presentation from Anders Olsson about our very own super power, our breath, and conversation with Lotte Paarup.

Note, the lecture and all conversations will be in English.


Anders Olsson is an author, lecturer, teacher, inventor and founder of the Conscious Breathing Concept. After living most of his life with a ”hurricane of thoughts” bouncing back and forth in is head, Anders was fortunate enough to come across tools that have helped him relax and find his inner calm. The most powerful of these tools has undoubtedly been to improve his breathing habits, which made Anders decide to become the world’s most prominent expert in breathing. This is now 14 years ago and since then he has helped tens of thousands of people to better health and improved quality of life.

In 2018 Anders facilitated and participated in a groundbreaking three-week breathing study at Stanford, USA.

Once he ran a half marathon with duct tape over his mouth to show the power of nasal breathing. A few years ago Anders co-organized an international breathing conference with 500 participants at the renowned Karolinska Institute in Sweden and he has trained more than 1,500 Conscious Breathing Instructors.

“Nobody I’ve met knows more about breathing than Anders Olsson” – James Nestor, New York Times bestselling author of Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

“Anders Olsson’s fascinating book is the definitive step-by-step guide to reshaping your life in order to transform your health and well-being with nothing but your breath.”– Ben Greenfield, New York Times bestselling author, named in the world’s top 100 most influential people in health and fitness

“Conscious Breathing is the perfect user’s guide to optimize breathing patterns, improve oxygen uptake and delivery, experience better sleep, concentration and sense of well-being. Experience significant improvements to your health in just a few short days. Read Conscious Breathing!” – Patrick McKeown, bestselling author of The Oxygen Advantage 

Meet Anders at his website right here!

Recently he released his Conscious Breathing Foundation Course


The lecture is open to anyone interested. It requires absolutely no specific background or prerequisites to participate.
The lecture and all conversations will be in English.


There is great interest in Anders Olsson’s work throughout Scandinavia, so hurry up and book your ticket. They sell out fast!
Please note: Registration is binding – payment is non-refundable.


Sunday 23rd of April at 4-6 PM / 16-18 in Copenhagen (the one and only event date)


Early bird before 12th of March: DKK 248,-
After 12th of March: DKK 298,- (full price)



Your ticket is your order confirmation, which you receive when registering (purchase of your seat). You can bring it as a print, or on your phone.


We will send you an email with practical information one week prior to the event. If you have not received the email, please contact us.


The event will be held at:

Københavns Professionshøjskole
Sigurdsgade 26
2200 Kbh N
See google map link here


Parking is available on the roads around Sigurdsgade 26 according to the City of Copenhagen’s parking rules, yellow toll zone. We recommend that you arrive well in advance so that you can find a parking space.
Read about the City of Copenhagen’s parking info

Public transportation

Metro Station Skjolds Plads is 500 m away. (M3 Cityringen – can be reached from Østerport Metro st. and Central Station Metro st.)
Bus 6A goes to Ægirsgade, located 500 metres from University College. Goes from Nørreport st.